There is no other name but Jesus whereby we must be saved. Welcome to my blog: In Him Only. I hope you will be encouraged by what you read.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Do You Believe It?

As lay chaplain in three 55+ communities, I have many times had the bittersweet privilege of saying a few words at a memorial service held in their honor. 

One of the godly men and women I minister to each week died not too long ago. Her illness was sudden. Her death, slow. Her radiance never wavered. 

For nearly 60 years Mildred lived the life of Christ before her family, friends, work colleagues and neighbors. She loved prayer. She loved her Bible. She loved telling others of the saving grace and forgiveness she’d found in her Jesus. 

Now her body is dead. 

I do not believe Mildred is in heaven. I KNOW she is in heaven. 

Why do I know that is true? Why do others who love the Lord Jesus KNOW that to be true? Because God, who cannot lie, tells us it is true. 

Some might ask, “Where does He say that?” 

I could fill several pages of text with God’s promises of eternal life for those who, by faith in Christ, are His children. But, for the sake of space, here are only a few: 

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life.” 

This is part of the exchange between Jesus and the Jewish rabbi, Nicodemus during which Jesus told the theologian, “You must be born again.” If it’s been a while since you’re read that passage, turn to the third chapter of John’s gospel. 

Mildred believed that text. Mildred lived that text. God gave her a new birth. And she quickly followed her commitment to Him in baptism.

Here is another promise Mildred knew to be true. It’s from the eleventh chapter of John’s gospel which records the story of Lazarus’ death. Picking up at verse 25: “Jesus said to Martha, one of the sisters of Lazarus, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.”  

And then He asked her: “Do you believe this?” 

Martha believed Jesus’ words. So did Mildred. 

Do you? 

Mildred also believed what Jesus said of Himself in the 14th chapter of that same gospel of John: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” 

Wow. Think for a moment how egotistical, even insane, that statement is – if it is not true. So, how do we know Jesus’ words are true? 

That’s easy. 

If Jesus had not physically resurrected from the dead three days after His gruesome crucifixion, then not only was He an ego maniac, He was also a liar on the scale of the devil himself. And if Jesus did not rise from the dead, then Mildred – and all who call ourselves Christians – are of all people most to be pitied. 

Yes. Most to be pitied. Even maligned. 

But Jesus did rise from the dead on that third day. That earth-changing event is a matter of history. When we write checks to pay our bills, we write 2019 – which is really AD 2019. God Himself divided history into BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini, which means, “The year of our Lord”).

The resurrection of Jesus the Messiah is not simply a matter of history. The resurrection changed the CALENDAR, right down to this very day on which you read this. 

God tells us again and again, He is love. And because He is love, He longed for Mildred – just as He longs for you and for me – to be with Him for eternity. God’s love is why Jesus died on that Good Friday cross – to pay the penalty Mildred’s sins, and my sins, and your sins – to pay the penalty our sins deserve: Which is eternal death and separation from God. 

As Rabbi Paul – perhaps whom we know better as the apostle Paul – as the rabbi tells us in his letter to those first century Christians in Rome: “The wages of sin is death. But the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” 

Mildred believed God’s promise of forgiveness of sins and of eternal life offered to the penitent sinner. Here’s one text so many

Christians have memorized. It’s from 1 John 1:9: “If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 

I hope you believe that unbreakable promise: If we confess our sins – turn from our sins – God always forgives those sins. 


Those are some of the reasons I don’t believe Mildred is in heaven today. I know she is in heaven. It is why we ALL can know she is right now rejoicing before the throne of her God and Savior. 

But enough about Mildred. What about you? Do you believe God’s promises? Do you live like you believe God’s promises? 

Surely as I am breathing right now, I do not doubt if Mildred were able, she would urge us all: “Please. Believe it. Please. Live it. Your eternal destiny hangs on your decision.”

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