There is no other name but Jesus whereby we must be saved. Welcome to my blog: In Him Only. I hope you will be encouraged by what you read.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Do Black Lives REALLY Matter?

Yes, the cops who killed Mr. Floyd are probably guilty of at least manslaughter. And yes, Justice must be served. But if Black Lives REALLY Matter, then tell me WHY the daily slaughter of black children in the womb is not violently protested in the streets near every abortion clinic across the nation?

Do BLM folk know how many black babies are killed EVERY DAY in American abortion clinics? I doubt it. So, I will tell them.

America killed some 850,000 babies of all races in the womb last year. That tallies to more than 2,300 aborted babies every day, 365 days a year.

Now here is the point: According to the CDC, fully 1/3 of all abortions in America are black babies.

Do the math. That means more than seven hundred and sixty black babies are killed in abortion clinics EVERY DAY in America. Every day.

Did you catch that number? Seven hundred and sixty black babies today. Seven hundred and sixty black babies tomorrow. Seven hundred and sixty the next day. Day after day.

We want justice?

No, we do not. Not really. Not when we are decimating the black population by nearly 300,000 EVERY YEAR and hardly anyone raises an eyebrow.

We want justice? Then stop the butchery that goes on in our neighborhood abortion clinics. Only THEN we will have the right to cry out for justice.

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