I posted this a few years ago. I apologize for its length.
to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. (John 6:68)
The longer I know God, the more I know I don’t know Him.
That’s a different attitude than I had just a few years ago. Back then I
thought I had nearly all the answers. And why shouldn’t I? I could quote
hundreds of Scripture passages and easily recite the basic doctrines of
evangelical Protestant and Catholic faith. I have baccalaureate and master’s
degrees from Assemblies of God schools and have studied and taught Scripture
for more than forty years.
Yet I am now at the point in my life where I realize the longer I
know God, the more I know I don’t know Him. Sometimes I feel like an
amoeba trying to fathom the mind and purpose of an Einstein – and I am in good
company. It was St. John Chrysostom who said, “God is the incomprehensible, the
invisible, the ungraspable.” St. Augustine added, “If it can be understood, it
is not God.” And St. Thomas Aquinas noted of God, “We cannot grasp what he is,
but only what he is not. Whatever can be understood, or thought of, is
less than God.”
I don’t usually think about how much I don’t know about God, until
someone asks me what I now concede are unanswerable questions, such as: “Why do
bad things happen to good people?” Or, “Why does God permit some people
to do terribly bad things without punishment, and on others His judgment is
swift and overwhelming?”
For example, there’s that gruesome story of rape, murder and
mutilation in the book of Judges, and God doesn’t seem to bother Himself with
event. I wrote about it several months ago, and you can read it here. Whereas, an example of God’s immediate judgment against sin
occurs in the New Testament story of Ananias and his wife, Sapphira. You’ll
find it in Acts, chapter 5. They sold some property and brought the proceeds of
the sale to the apostles as a gift to the Lord. Well, actually, they brought some of the
proceeds of the sale. They lied to the apostles, telling them they were giving
all of the sale price.
And God slew them right there on the spot.
So, what’s going on? Why sudden punishment for some and seemingly
nothing for another? It is precisely that question which brought me to the
conclusion I don’t know as much about God as I once thought I did. Perhaps what
Jesus said to some Sadducees is applicable to me.
The Sadducees were the religious humanists of Jesus’ day. They
didn’t believe in angels, the supernatural, or the resurrection. So they
challenged Jesus with a hypothetical case of a man who died without having any
children with his wife. According to the Mosaic Law, the man’s brother was to
marry the widow and raise children to the deceased. The Sadducees continue
their “what-if” to say the deceased had six brothers, each of whom in turn
married the widow and then died without producing offspring to the original
brother. “So in the resurrection,” they asked Jesus, “whose wife will she be,
since all seven had her as a wife?”
I imagine Jesus sadly shook His head as He answered, “Is this not
the reason you are mistaken, because you do not understand the Scripture, or
the power of God?” (Mark 12:24)
Several months ago when I reread that story, the Lord’s words to
the Sadducees captured my attention as if I’d never read that passage before. Jesus
could just as easily have said to me with regard to
all my questions: “Is this not the reason you are mistaken, because you do not
understand the Scripture, or the mercy of God?” Or, the forgiveness of God? Or,
His patience?
It is that concept – my incredibly limited understanding of God
and of His patience, mercy, and forgiveness – that brings me back to the
question about the stories in Judges and in Acts, and many others throughout
Sacred Scripture, and even to today.
It amazes me, for example, how patient God was with Israel during
their 40 years in the desert. Their shoes and clothing didn’t wear out. He fed
them day by day with supernatural ‘manna’ from heaven. The people witnessed
God’s supernatural pillar of fire which led them by day and His supernatural
cloud which settled over them each night. For forty years God’s miraculous
presence and intervention journeyed with them. Every day. For forty years. Yet,
as the prophet Amos writes, they carried along with them the idolatrous gods of
Egypt (Amos 5:25-26). Nevertheless (and here is the amazing
part) God demonstrated His great patience and mercy, and did not
immediately strike them in His wrath.
In the New Testament the apostle Paul tells the Athenians how God
also overlooked the sins of the Gentiles during the times of their ignorance.
And once again, to his readers in Rome Paul wrote of God’s kindness and
patience in having overlooked their sins (Romans 2:4). And I could also cite
Nadab and Abihu, Korah, David, Samson, Lot, Jephthah, Mary Magdelene, Saul of
Tarsus, and dozens of others whose stories demonstrate either the profound
mercy of God – or His immediate judgment against sin.
Is this not the reason we are sometimes so mistaken about God and
about what He will do – or should do – because we do not really understand
the Scriptures, nor the power – nor the mercy -- of God?
For my part, I am very grateful for God’s patience and mercy. My
past is so full of so many horrible things I’ve done to others that I deserve
the same immediate punishment Ananias and Sapphira received. Or Nadab and
Abihu. And so many others. It is only the Lord’s mercies that I did not suffer
immediate judgment.
Why does God do as He does? As He tells us through Isaiah the
prophet, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. For
as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:8-9). And through Moses He
says, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed
belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this
law” (Deut. 29:29).
That answer will still not satisfy some who ask the questions, but
now that I know I don’t know very much about God, that answer fully satisfies
It's wonderful to be reminded that although we don't understand God, neither should we. An infant doesn't understand his parents. He simply trusts that they have his best interests in mind. No wonder Jesus calls us to be like little children.
It was St. Augustine who said, in effect, "If we could understand God, He would not be God."
Oh, that we would trust Him more fully.
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