There is no other name but Jesus whereby we must be saved. Welcome to my blog: In Him Only. I hope you will be encouraged by what you read.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Getting My Attention

Over the last several months I’ve been rationalizing away something wrong I’ve been doing. I’ve even avoided calling it what it really is – a sin.

If I told you what it was, many of you would probably shrug your shoulders as if it’s too minor to even worry about. But as St. Augustine wisely noted: Do not despise these sins which we call "light": if you take them for light when you weigh them, tremble when you count them. A number of light objects makes a great mass; a number of drops fills a river; a number of grains makes a heap.

Because I have for months so often rationalized the sin, I committed it again last evening without even a second thought.

Until this morning when God got my attention.

I’ve been reading through Hebrews during my mornings with the Lord, and so I picked up today where I left off yesterday, Hebrews 12. Someone – a Christian brother – recently asked why I read the bible so often. I replied, “Because God speaks to me through His book.”

This morning is just another example of God speaking to me through His book. And what He said to me was not comforting. It was a rebuke. And a warning.

I didn’t get past the second verse of chapter 12 before the Holy Spirit seized my attention: “Let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us . . .” 

I closed my Bible for a few moments to reflect on what God was telling me in unmistakable detail. I could no longer rationalize my sin: Richard, stop what you are doing!

His words did not sting, but His warning was as clear to me as any of His rebukes have ever been.

I repented right there in my chair.
When I again opened the Bible, I read a few verses later these words – words now of encouragement: But God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.  Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. Make level paths for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed. Make every effort to . . . be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.”
So, what is the point in my sharing with you my most recent struggle with sin – even what some might call minor sin?
First: God loves us. He deeply, lavishly loves us.
Next: Because He loves us, His rules are for OUR good, OUR health, OUR safety. And when needed, He disciplines us so we might share in His holiness.
Third: When we break His rule(s) – Don’t waste time excusing sin, trying to rationalize it away. Instead, stop what you’re doing wrong. Confess it, repent, and return to God.
Finally: After confession, don’t let guilt linger in your mind. Don’t let it rob you of the reality of God’s gift of forgiveness. Press on for God! Get back to doing the right thing for your own sake, and for that of His kingdom.
As it is written: “Let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.”

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