There is no other name but Jesus whereby we must be saved. Welcome to my blog: In Him Only. I hope you will be encouraged by what you read.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

My First Thought

I published this essay about trusting the Lord in my latest book, Learning to Lean. I thought to repost it again here.


Behold, the nations are like a drop from a bucket, And are regarded as a speck of dust on the scales; Behold, He lifts up the islands like fine dust. Even Lebanon is not enough to burn, Nor its beasts enough for a burnt offering. All the nations are as nothing before Him, they are regarded by Him as less than nothing and meaningless. (Isaiah 40:15-17)

When I finally leave this body
and stand in the presence
of my Father's glory,

when He reaches from His throne
and draws me to His lap,

when I then understand
what I could not understand
in life –

the enormity
of His incomprehensible power,
the limitlessness
of His reign
over every fiber
of eternity,

that no creature
in heaven
or on earth
can open
what he shuts
or close
what He opens,

that the totality of creation
throughout countless galaxies
bow at His presence . . .

I think my first thought –
when I realize where I am
and in whose arms I rest –

my first thought
will not be shrouded in sorrow
for my many sins,

for things I did
or did not do
in life.

I think I will be most sorry
that I didn’t trust Him more,

when I had so many chances
to do so.


Barb Schoeneberger said...

True, true. For the past 10 years or more, becoming more trustful of God has been my primary focus. Along with that, delight in doing His will sustains me, no matter the trials I face. All good relationships are built on trust. Since I plan to spend eternity with Him, it's best to get into the habit of trust now. It really is insulting to someone who truly loves us not to trust that person. No one loves us better than God.

kkollwitz said...

"I think I will be most sorry
that I didn’t trust Him more,

when I had so many chances
to do so."

Yes. Terrific.

Rich Maffeo said...

Barb, this is a great comment: "All good relationships are built on trust. Since I plan to spend eternity with Him, it's best to get into the habit of trust now. It really is insulting to someone who truly loves us not to trust that person."

Rich Maffeo said...

Christian, thank you. We're constantly learning -- and relearning, aren't we?