There is no other name but Jesus whereby we must be saved. Welcome to my blog: In Him Only. I hope you will be encouraged by what you read.

Friday, September 27, 2024

So, It Begins

 “And so, it begins.” 

I wonder if that’s what God thought – speaking, of course, only with human language and understanding – I wonder if that’s what God thought when Eve ate the forbidden fruit and then gave it to her husband.

I don’t think God was angry as He watched it happen. I think he was devastated – as devastated as any loving father would be to watch his toddler run into the street and get struck by a truck. 

“And, so, it begins.” 

Death was not the only thing that began in that Garden – not just physical death, but eternal death – eternal for so many who would come after Adam and Eve. 

Death. Disease. Suffering. Anguish. Loneliness. Despair. Loss. Tears that last a lifetime. So, it began. 

Yes, God knew what He would do to fix it. To redeem it. To restore sinful men and women to Himself. But at the same time, He also knew that very, very few would return to Him. He knew most would die cursing His name, ignoring even His final call to them for repentance. He knew most would ignore His final plea to return to Him who loves them, loves them even to their last breath.

And so, it began. Under the tear-filled and watching eyes of the One who created them with so much love and compassion, it began.

Reader, do you know God loves you? I mean, passionately, sacrificially loves you. Do you know that?

That’s an important question. Please stop reading this for a moment and think about that question.

And do you know He will love you to your last breath? Do you know He caressed you at each moment of your formation in the womb, all the while hoping (again to use human language) – hoping that before you took your last breath, you would turn your eyes towards Jesus and call him your Lord, Savior, Master, and King? Hoping that you would devote yourself to Him for as many years, months, or minutes you still have left to breathe.

Do you know He loves you?

Oh, I so very much pray you do.

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