There is no other name but Jesus whereby we must be saved. Welcome to my blog: In Him Only. I hope you will be encouraged by what you read.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Losing our Fear

 Solomon said it well: “The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13)

Later in Israel’s history, Jeremiah followed with this: “Who would not fear You, O King of the nations? Indeed it is Your due!” (Jeremiah 10:7)
How majestic is God's name. Yes, how FEARFUL is His name – at least, God should be feared, because if we do not hold a healthy fear of Him then we WILL eventually do things that will bring us His displeasure and His discipline.
What is a ‘healthy fear’ of God? It’s not one that cowers and recoils from Him as if He is a capricious and ever-angry God impatiently waiting to smite us. A healthy fear of God recognizes His love for us, along with His absolute right to give us His commandments for our good. And a healthy fear of God understands He WILL punish those who persist in disobedience.
Ananias and Sapphira are examples. They didn’t have a healthy fear of God, lied to the Holy Spirit, and ended up dead. You can read that story in Acts 5. Demas, who had joined St Paul on some of his missionary journeys did not have a healthy fear of God and ended up turning his back on Christ. You can read that in 2 Timothy 4. Then there is King Solomon. He started well, but lost his fear of God, married pagan women and soon worshiped and made sacrifice to their idols – perhaps even allowing human sacrifice to Molech. You can read that horrible story in 1 Kings 11. And then there is the story of Nadab and Abihu in Leviticus 10. Those sons of Aaron the High Priest of Israel even ate a meal with God on Mount Sinai. But they’d lost their fear of God and, Scripture tells us, offended God in their worship and were suddenly struck dead.
God makes it abundantly clear throughout His word that those who lose their fear of God will always – will always end up offending Him. If it has been a while since you’ve read the second and third chapters of Revelation, you might do that today and refresh your memories about Christ’ warning to the Christians in those churches.
The point? If we are NOT striving DAILY to walk obediently, moment by moment in Christ’s light, obeying His commandments, repenting as often as necessary, then by default we are moving toward darkness and a loss of a healthy fear of God.
Christian – be careful. And non-Christian, be warned.

Rich Maffeo 

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