There is no other name but Jesus whereby we must be saved. Welcome to my blog: In Him Only. I hope you will be encouraged by what you read.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

We Can Trust It

 When St. Paul stood trial before King Agrippa and Governor Festus, his defense centered around the resurrection of Jesus. As he looked across the faces of the Jewish clergy, the Roman politicians and dignitaries before whom he stood, the apostle asked a most reasonable question: “Why is it considered incredible among you people if God does raise the dead? (Acts 26:8)

Reasonable. And logical.

God is, by very definition, omnipotent – meaning, ‘All Mighty.’ And it was this All Mighty creator who simply SPOKE, and thereby created the entire heavens and the earth, the seas, the skies, the birds, the animals, and all the rest. It was this All Mighty God who created the first Man from the very dirt of the ground, and then the woman from one of his ribs.

So, the crux of Paul’s defense rested on one specific detail: The All Mighty did all that He did at the beginning of creation, then WHY is it so difficult to believe He could do something as SIMPLE as raising a corpse to life?

Which brings us now to another defense today’s Christian can make regarding our faith. It’s a reasonable and logical question we should ask the skeptical clergy, scholar, politician, and man and woman on the street. This question has to do with the inerrancy, infallibility, and full inspiration of Scripture.

I mean, since the All Mighty Creator spoke worlds into being – surely He capable of doing something so simple as to preserve His communication (the Bible) to His creatures intact and without error.

Yes, we could examine now the various evidences that support the Christian’s claim of Bible inerrancy. And yes, many historians, archeologists, linguists, and textual critics have examined such evidence over the centuries. But all they have done is to merely corroborate what any honest and rational person ought to know intuitively and instinctively – the Bible is God's infallible, inerrant, and inspired communication to men and women.

So, why so much doubt and confusion about the issue? Well, go back to the Bible and we’ll find the answer. Since the very beginning of earth’s history, humanity’s mortal enemy has attacked the very foundation of what would define and nurture our relationship with our loving heavenly Creator.

What was it he said to Eve? “Indeed, hath God said?” (Genesis 3:1) And with only minor permutations, he has used the same strategy to seduce men and women to doubt God's word, or to add to God's word, or to remove something from His word, or to neglect it, avoid it, burn it, or despise it.

Again, we ought to ask ourselves the question, “Why is it so incredible to believe that God has spoken to you and me through the Scriptures, and that He has also preserved those Scriptures intact over the millennia?

Reader: You CAN trust the Bible to be the very word of the All Mighty God to you. It remains inerrant, infallible, and fully inspired. So, humbly read it. Study it. And practice what it says.

It is the foundation of your life now, and into eternity.

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