A friend is attending a bible study at
our church. They are studying the time line of Scripture, and was told Moses
did not write the five books attributed to him. You might have heard the same
liberal tripe yourself. What he was told bothered me all night, and so the next
morning I sent this to him:
What is being alluded to (consciously or
unconsciously) by those who teach that sort of thing is called the
Graf-Wellhausen JEPD theory. You can find information about it here -- or you
can do your own internet search: http://helpmewithbiblestudy.org/5system_moses/notes/dh6.aspx
Essentially, the theory was formulated
by an uber-liberal Protestant scholar who taught that the Pentateuch is not of
Mosaic origin. In so doing, the theory brings a shadow of doubt over the
inerrancy and the infallibility of the Biblical record of Genesis through
Liberal scholars do the same thing with
other OT and NT books, such as Isaiah, Daniel, Acts, and so forth. You can find
all kinds of information -- pro and con -- through an easy internet search. But
for starters, I refer you to the words of Jesus Himself, who clearly believed
in the Mosaic origin of the Pentateuch. For example:
MT 19:7, quoting from DT 24:1-4
MT 22:24 quoting from DT 25:5
Mark 1:44 citing Leviticus 14:1-32
Mark 7: 9-11 citing Exodus 20:12 and
Leviticus 20:9
Luke 24:44 citing the Pentateuch in
general as the books of Moses
You can word search 'Moses' on
Biblegateway.com for other references (when you click on any particular bible
reference, click on the setting button upper right and check the box for cross
references to make the search easier). You can also do a search for arguments
against the Wellhausen school of biblical criticism. For example: http://www.leaderu.com/orgs/probe/docs/moses.html
Since Jesus accepted the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch, I will do the same. I hope this information will give some balance to what the class is being taught.
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